Our round the world Sailing Plan was to winter for three to four months in Marmaris, spending that time back in the UK and then rejoin the boat to cruise the Mediterranean for six months before making our transatlantic trip the following November.

However the devil is in the detail and to stop over in the Europe we would need a temporary import permit as we bought the boat without value added tax paid. It turns out that being EU citizens, this would involve proving our expatriate status and to do this we would need to go back to the UAE to get a residents permit.

This forced us to rethink and we eventually decided to cheat somewhat by shipping the boat to Asia and start our voyage there.

As we worked it through it became obvious that this fitted our experience and objectives best. We had already spent some time in the Caribbean but no time at all in Asia. We had already spent some time cruising in the Mediterranean but we have no ocean passage experience. Asia would break us in gently we thought...

You can get our long term plan here: 