Today I nearly had my foot, ankle or lower leg crushed. The decision was mine.

I arrived with morning dope at the marina dock. We had anchored outside. As I was tying up the dinghy my foot got slotted in between the adjacent concrete pontoons while a swell from outside traffic was washing in. I saw the gap between the concrete jaws close and open. Not yet crushing my limb. Then I had a decision to make as to how to get out of this. Did I risk pulling out my foot and have it crushed at the ankle or did I offer up my lower leg, an easier repair? During this time I considered life without a foot. Then it was out.

The cries that I sang out during this time were well heard. Elmer was already running out with a plank of wood to leverage me out. The same Elmer that left Gary up the mast and forgot him. Leaving Gary to shimmy down his mast at 75 years of age. In the twilight.